
Showing posts from April, 2019


This blog is a project I've wanted to start on for a while now. I feel as though, as a conservative minded individual, in today's political climate, I am largely disenfranchised. Progressive, radical left ideology seems to be the flavor of the day, and more and more I see even the "right" either capitulating, or even outright embracing more liberal ideology, either due to social pressure, or due to the power retention it promises from the increasing dependency on "cradle to grave" government. The goal of this project is two-fold. First, it's a way for me to express my thoughts and beliefs on a plethora of today's issues and current events, from a conservative perspective. Secondly, it just may serve to soften other's position toward conservative, market driven policy, if I can shed the proper light on it that it deserves. I don't intend to take an aggressive tone, or to belittle or insult others who may hold opposing opinions. My intention is